Join a BrDR Technical Advisory Group (TAG)!

June 26, 2024

Are you eager to get more involved with AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating? Consider joining a Technical Advisory Group (TAG)! This opportunity allows you to share your expertise with the bridge community, offering valuable insights without a significant time commitment.

TAGs play a crucial role by providing specialized knowledge from the AASHTO user community, focusing on highly technical software issues or specific bridge engineering applications. There are currently seven TAGs, each dedicated to different functional areas and features. As a TAG member, you’ll help ensure that product developments meet the needs of the AASHTO user community.

Types of TAGs:                  

  • Analysis TAG – Review and analyze technical issues related to the software implementation of the Specifications and/or work toward the resolution of discrepancies/issues discovered within the Specifications
  • API TAG – Review, prioritization, and management of third-party software development and integration requests
  • Backlog TAG – Evaluate and tier user-submitted issues to aid in the prioritization and selection of future software maintenance/enhancements
  • Culvert TAG – Assist with the development of the culvert module (i.e. finite element soil structure interaction module, culvert enhancement development, etc.)
  • Design TAG – Assist with the development of BrD (i.e. steel design tool enhancements, staged construction, etc.)
  • Reports TAG – Assist with the development of the reporting module (i.e. assist with the review of the next-generation reporting tool, review and provide input regarding new reporting features, etc.)
  • Testing TAG – Assist with the beta testing for new versions of the software


If you or anyone at your agency is interested in joining a TAG, reach out to the chairs as shown on our website: